1. The switch is powered up properly and any port is connected to the management PC.
2. The management PC has at least one of the following browsers installed: IE 8.0 or above, the latest version of Chrome, 360 browser.
3. The IP address of the management PC has been set to the same network segment as the switch port, i.e., 192.168.2.X (X is any integer between 2 and 253; the default IP of this product is, and the subnet mask is
If you don't know how to set it up at all, follow these instructions step by step:
Step 1: Finding the Network Settings
① Click on the "Start" button (the Windows logo in the lower-left corner of the screen).
② In the search box, type "Network Settings" or "View network connections" and press Enter.
③ In the Network & Internet settings window, look for the option to "Change adapter options" or "View network status and tasks" (the exact text may vary depending on the Windows version).
Step 2: Changing your computer's IP Address
(1) .Right-click on the network adapter that is connected to the switch (it's usually labeled "Ethernet" or "Local Area Connection").
(2) Select "Properties" from the context menu.
(3) In the Properties window, scroll down and find "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and select it.
(4) Click on the "Properties" button below it.
(5) Make sure that "Use the following IP address" is selected.
(6) Enter the IP address 192.168.2.X (replace X with any number between 2 and 253 that is not already in use on your network).
(7) Enter the subnet mask as
(8) Leave the "Default gateway" and "DNS servers" fields blank or enter the appropriate values if known.
(9) Click "OK" to save the settings.
Step 3: Accessing the Switch Management Interface
① 1.Open a web browser (IE 8.0 or above, the latest version of Chrome, 360 browser).
② 2.In the address bar, type and press Enter.
③ 3.A login prompt will appear. Enter the username admin and password admin.
Click on the "Login" or "Submit" button to access the switch's management interface.
4. To ensure a better experience of the Web interface display, it is recommended to adjust the resolution of your monitor to 1280 x 800 pixels or above.
5.Open a browser and enter the switch's default management address (you can modify the management IP address according to the customer's requirements) in the address bar to log in the switch's Web management interface.
6. The switch login page is shown in the following figure, enter the user name and password for the switch management account, the factory defaults are all admin.
SL-SWTG124AS:📖(Click here)
SL-SWTGW215AS:📖(Click here)
SL-SWTGW218AS:📖(Click here)
SL-SWTGW2216AS:📖(Click here)
SL-SWTGW2224AS:📖(Click here)
SL-SWTGW2C8F:📖(Click here)
SL-SWTG3C12F:📖(Click here)
SL-SWTG3DE48A6S:📖(Click here)
SL-2444SGMP-400:📖(Click here)
SL-AFGW-242S-400:📖(Click here)
SL-SG008W:📖(Click here)
SL-SG0024W:📖(Click here)
SL-SWTGW2C80N:📖(Click here)
SL-SWTGW0108P:📖(Click here)
Unzip the package and use the bin firmware inside to upgrade it.The firmware upgrade takes about five minutes, do not interrupt the upgrade and perform other operations during this time, otherwise it can easily cause the system to crash
Please Attention:
1. Do not power down during the upgrade process
2. After the upgrade is completed, restart the system
3. Clear IE cache and log in again
The configuration will be lost after upgrade. If you want to back up the configuration, please refer to the following methods:
1: Complete the configuration or save it before upgrading the firmware. Path: tools > save; the configuration will not be lost after the upgrade. 2: Backup the settings, export the configuration file and save it, upgrade to a new version, and then re-import the configuration file for recovery. Path: Tools > Configuration Backup